Serviced Accommodation

In the world of Serviced Accommodation, there’s no time to waste when it comes to leaving a lasting impression. That’s why we prioritise delivering exceptional service from the first point of contact. 

We’ll advertise your property on 350+ booking platforms to maximise your exposure, and we’ll always provide a streamlined experience and unforgettable stay – for every single short-term guest!

Making a cup of tea

Flexible cleaning team

Unlike traditional cleaning companies with rigid schedules, our flexible cleaning team adapts to the variable nature of short-term stays. Whether it’s a one-night booking or two-week visit, our dedicated team will meticulously clean to an impeccable standard, ready for the next guests.


Dedicated maintenance contractor

The key to keeping guests happy is to be proactive when small issues occur. That’s why we employ our own multi-skilled maintenance contractor who can respond to minor issues at the first instance, and prevent more significant future repairs for landlords!

350+ booking platforms

While most people associate short-term stays with platforms like Airbnb and, there are countless other booking portals available. Our cutting-edge software seamlessly connects your property to over 350 websites, maximising its exposure and ensuring the highest possible occupancy rates. 

Variable pricing to maximise revenue

Our experienced team continuously monitors popular times of the year and local events that will increase demand. This allows us to strategically price your property, and maximise revenue potential! 

With our proactive pricing strategy, you can trust that your property will attract the right guests at the right time, for optimal financial returns. Get in touch to find out more about what we can do for you!

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We go the extra mile for increased occupancy

We believe that providing a clean and stylish property at a reasonable price is just the beginning. It’s our unwavering commitment to exceptional customer service that really sets us apart.

We go above and beyond to make every guest’s stay truly memorable. From personalised welcome hampers packed with local produce to helping organise special occasions, these are the things our guests remember and what makes them want to return time and time again.  

About Us

Client Stories

Sometimes actions speak louder than words. Check out these first-hand accounts from our clients to see how we deliver on promises, overcome challenges, and exceed expectations whenever we can. 

Get In Touch

Contact us if you have any questions or want to know more about our services or the properties we manage. We’re always here to help!

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